Welcome to Dr. Jill Wade's Blog

Welcome to Dr J's Pearls of Wisdom Blog. Your smile is the window to the rest of your body. It provides subtle details to your over all health, stress level, and age. Maintaining and enhancing your smile is critical to your self confidence. Dr Jill Wade will give you insight on how to do just that.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Eat the entire bag of M&M's!

It’s better to eat the entire bag of M&M’s at one time rather than eating them slowly throughout the day. I know - can you believe it? Keep reading and I will explain.

Every time we eat or drink, the pH in our mouth becomes acidic. The more often we do it - the more frequent the environment becomes acidic, giving the cavity-causing bacteria the opportunity to thrive.

In a healthy mouth, within 15-30 minutes of eating or drinking, the pH recovers. When the system is in balance the pH drops, some mineral is lost on the teeth, the pH recovers, and the mineral returns to the teeth. When the system is out of balance, prolonged periods of low pH or acidic environment causes a net mineral loss from our teeth. Watch out, here come the cavities!

So what is the best line of defense? Limit yourself to eating and drinking to four or five times a day other than water intake. The fewer times we allow the pH level to drop in our mouth, the less exposure our teeth have to acid. So my philosophy is “eat or drink it quick and then sip on water”. Enjoy those M&M’s quickly!

Hope this helps keep you smiling from the outside in!

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