Welcome to Dr. Jill Wade's Blog

Welcome to Dr J's Pearls of Wisdom Blog. Your smile is the window to the rest of your body. It provides subtle details to your over all health, stress level, and age. Maintaining and enhancing your smile is critical to your self confidence. Dr Jill Wade will give you insight on how to do just that.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kelli Visits Dr. Wade for First Invisalign Appointment

Today we have seen Kelli in the office to deliver her first set of Invisalign trays. We are so excited to get her on her way to an even more beautiful smile! At this first appointment, we had to add some composite "buttons" to Kelli's teeth. The "buttons" are tooth colored filling material, or bonding, that we sometimes add to help teeth move during the course of your Invisalign treatment. At the end of treatment, these "buttons" are buffed off and polished. You would never know they were on your teeth! This is not something that you have to be numb for. This is just some of our wonderful flavors and lots of air and water!

After the "buttons" are on it is time to try the aligners in. There is usually some soreness for the first couple of days associated with each new aligner. We recommend changing the aligners at night, so that most of the initial soreness occurs while you are sleeping. With the Invisalign aligners you are supposed to wear them at all times. You can take them out to eat, brush, and floss. The wonderful thing about the aligners is that if you have a big meeting or presentation, you can take them out, and then put them back on when you are done. Many of our adult patients love this benefit of Invisalign. Here is a picture of Kelli with her aligners in. They are virtually invisible!

We will usually start by giving you 2 aligners to wear.. Because you wear each aligner for 2 weeks you would come back in 4 weeks for your next set. Sometimes we will see you every 6 weeks, depending on how your treatment is going. The key to successful movement is wearing your aligners!! We will be seeing Kelli before each aligner so that you will be able to see her progress.

Here is what Kelli had to say about her appointment today: "So, it's my first day with my new Invisalign retainers...yay! Dr. Wade had to put three "buttons" on my teeth (one on the top and two on the bottom), which was a total breeze. I can honestly say that they are pretty much invisible. I had to point them out to my husband before he noticed. The retainers are tight, but it's nothing that a helping of Advil hasn't been able to handle! Besides, if they weren't tight, then how would we expect anything to move, right?! Overall, I'm still just super excited to finally be on the road to a beautiful smile!!"

Can you believe she has her Invisalign on in the photo? Post your comments and let us know if you know or someone you know has had Invisalign.

If you would like to see if you are a candidate for Invisalign, visit our website at http://www.stonebriarsmiledesign.com/ or call the office at 972.377.7800.

Dr. Wade

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